3 Things To Stop Doing Today for a Simpler Life

3 Things To Stop Doing Today for a Simpler Life

Many people have more complicated lives than necessary. In fact, healthcare professionals assert that a major reason for illness is heavy loads of chronic stress. Personally, I don’t think life should be crazy busy and that we are not supposed to be stressed out and miserable.  If this depicts your life, and you’d like a simpler life, read on for three things you can stop doing to work toward a simpler life.

  1. Stop Thinking So Much

Mindfulness has made its way into many conversations and is helping many people stop thinking so much. Aren’t you tired of the incessant worrisome thoughts running through your mind? Thoughts about the past, thoughts about the future, regrets, worries, etc.

How about learning how to silence the mind for just a little while? This is what mindfulness is all about. It means “being mindful of your present moment”. You know. Actually ENJOYING right here, right now.  Instead of worrying about tomorrow, or next year, take time today to enjoy your life RIGHT NOW!

Learn the art of meditation, which basically means to sit still, observe your inhale and exhale, and allow your thoughts to dissipate.  Start off with one minute of meditation and increase your time as you can.  It might be challenging at first, especially if you’re used to going, going, going. However, it will get easier and before you know it, your mind won’t be overburdened by thought after thought.  You’ll be able to relax and smile a lot more often.

  1. Cut Out Some Things

If you’re burned out or exhausted, maybe stop trying so hard. Think of training for a marathon over a sprint. Going a mile a minute with an abundance of tasks will stress you out and cause you to burn out eventually.

Cut out some things in your life that you do not absolutely need.  Do you really need to do all the things you’re doing? What could you cut out that would save you some valuable time? Make a list of time wasters that you can cut out so that you can hop on the train to simplicity.

  1. Declutter

Chances are you’ve accumulated a lot of THINGS.  I mean, who can pass up such good sales at the store, right?  But let’s be honest here: clutter can make you feel frazzled. Clutter can make you feel frustrated. Clutter is an external sign that your internal world is on sensory overload.

The solution? Declutter. Go through each room of your home, plus your garage and attic.  Get rid of the things you do not need, want, or can do without. Give them away. Sell what you want to sell, but just feel the freedom associated with getting rid of things.

Simplicity requires you to let go of unnecessary items and make a commitment to stop buying things you don’t really need. I know it can be challenging. Balance is key.

Many people are going back to the simpler day mentality, where we live in simplicity and financial freedom.  Don’t fall for the “I need to accumulate this and that so that I feel good about myself” philosophy. Feel good right where you are on the way to where you’re going.

Are you in debt up to your ears? If so, start fresh today. Cut your credit cards up. Stay out of the stores. Work with a financial advisor or coach and get your financial picture in order.  Create a plan toward financial freedom. You can do it. It will take time, determination, and guts, but I believe you can do it.

Are you running here and there, allowing all sorts of things to eat up your time? Do you get home and think, “How in the heck did I let my life get so busy?”  Slow down. Take a deep breath and relax for a minute.  Then, think about what change you can make to create a simpler, more fulfilling life for yourself.









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