Based on the overwhelming number of requests from my students and members, here’s my story, the personal and business photos… enjoy!
How I went from driving a broken Yugo to becoming a Successful Real Estate Investor
My story is the perfect example of how anyone can become a real estate investor.
From the desk of Marko Rubel:
Dear Friend,
Your goal may not be to fly around in private jets (mine wasn’t either), and you are probably not driving a Yugo (the worst car on the planet), but your goal is or at least it should be to strive to have a better life!
I don’t know about you, but from early on, I understood that the life on this planet is not infinite. Are you aware of that? I understood that it is finite and limited, and very short, so I wanted to get the most out of it. If you’re with me on this, then my story may inspire you to take action and create a better life for yourself and for those you most care about. Keep reading…
Croatia, February 5th, 1994
Cold, winter morning… looking through my window I saw only gray skies and trees without leaves… it was raining. After frantically trying for hours to get in touch with a certain Mr. Ivo, I finally got the answer – my job application was turned down. The days of hope to get that $500 per month job were over. What should I look forward to? Even if I got that job, with the cost of living in Croatia being higher than in the States, the $500 per month would have put me in the same boat as millions of other struggling Croatians. A bright future… really (saying sarcastically)!
La Jolla, California, September 5, 2010
I’m sipping my morning tea… looking though my window I see the endless blue Pacific ocean and breaking waves in the distance creating this perfect image… it’s so pretty! I’m in heaven!
A few minutes ago, my partner called me letting me know that a deal closed… I’m thinking… life is good (actually, it’s a lot better than I’ve ever thought it would be)!
In my over 10 years long career as a real estate investor, I’ve made a lot of deals, but that excitement and the “thrill of the chase” it’s always there. It’s a great feeling. It’s the best business in the world!
It’s 11am, my kids are in school, my wife is busy with her stuff… I’m done with my morning workout… since there’s not much to do here, I’ll go to the office. The fact is that they don’t need me there, my partners are my ex-students, they are highly trained in making deals… but I love being there… it’s my hobby!
30 minutes later…
I’m driving to my office, through beautiful La Jolla, California. It briefly crossed my mind, the times when I was worried if my car is going to start in the morning or not. It always worried me if it will die in the middle of the road… because it did so many times….
I remember driving to school always an hour earlier on the day when I had a school exam because I wanted to give myself enough time if it broke down. And that “strategy” was definitely justified more than once.
It was NOT easy getting from where I was to where I’m now…
This all sounds great, but let me tell you, it took major effort to get to where I am now, starting from having no money, no credit and not even speaking English.
Therefore… believe me when I say, if I, Marko Rubel, can do it you can do it too.
Everything Is Possible in America!
I found out that many Americans don’t even realize how good they have it. I’m not going to risk that you would stop reading this letter before I tell you the most important thing, so let me say it now…
You Live In The Best Place In the World!
I’m happy to be in America, and to be an American, and I want to make sure that all of you understand that what’s possible in America is not possible anywhere else in the world. You have an amazing opportunity to fulfill your dreams and believe it or not, people who live in other countries don’t have that opportunity. What they can do for their lives wherever they are, is very limited, but not for you because you live in America!
Here you can live the life of your dreams! All you need to do is take a few simple steps and design your life! I know you’re thinking, “But come on Marko Rubel, how can I do this without any experience?”
Don’t Live By Default, LIVE By Design!
Yes, that’s right. In America, the opportunities are endless and anyone can create and design the life they want to live! The abundance and opportunity is all around you if you take the time to learn to recognize it! Did you enter your email for the video training yet?
I believe that money is not the most important thing… happiness, health, relationships are certainly more important “things” in life.
So, let me share with you how I got to where I am and improved my life and the lives of everyone around me…
As most of you already know, I created my fortune in Real Estate. Since you’re on this page, I tend to believe that you are considering Real Estate investing. You’re on the right path!
Real Estate has made many people wealthy, and as a matter of fact some of the richest people on the planet created their first millions in Real Estate.
I Did Not Know The Difference Between A “Deed” And An “Escrow”… And I Couldn’t Find The Meaning In Any Dictionary…
It’s no joke that I had no clue what a Deed, Mortgage, Lien, Escrow, Stucco (and the list goes on and on) meant. When I started learning about Real Estate, I could speak “some” English, but I spent more time going through the dictionary than reading Real Estate books…. So…
When I moved to the U.S. I did not speak any English. A few years later, I learned how to speak ‘everyday’ English, but Real Estate lingo was still a foreign language to me. Nonetheless, I was able to find success in real estate.
So, can you do it?
This economy offers some of the best opportunities for anyone to find success starting from wherever you are financially right now.
I had the “burning desire” and you should have it too! Your life may not be as uncertain as mine was, but watch out! Sometimes “being comfortable” with where you are in life, is the biggest enemy of getting ahead. A proven system and the right strategy, combined with your desire to realize your dreams is all you need to get started. I will share with you the systems, and the strategies, but as Napoleon Hill said, you need to have the “burning desire”! I had the “burning desire” and you should have it too! Your life may not be as uncertain as mine was, but watch out! Sometimes “being comfortable” with where you are in life is the biggest enemy of getting ahead.
From Croatia to U.S.A.
Back in 1994 I realized that if I wanted to have a better life, I’d have to go somewhere else. Croatia is a beautiful country but without opportunity. Unless one is born wealthy or has major connections, the future is not very bright.
I was 26 years old, and by then I had tried a few different things to make my life better, but without much success.
In 1993 I became the boxing Champion of Croatia (for the 3rd time), and that year I Marko Rubel was voted the best boxer of the year. Here’s a newspaper article about that:
My parents were against boxing and always insisted on me finishing school, so between the hard workouts I was studying and attending college. In 1994 I graduated and tried looking for a job, just to get very disappointed realizing that if I was lucky, very lucky I could earn $800 to $1,000 a month with a college degree. The cost of living in Croatia is much higher than in the States, so imagine making ends meet with $800 per month.
In the meantime, my personal life was exciting. I met a girl by the name of Tammy. I really liked Tammy a lot, but shortly thereafter she left to move to Florida to finish her college. It was a bummer to meet someone you really like and then they move 4,000 miles away. Little did I know at that time that this was one of those things you call “destiny”.
Not long thereafter, after Tammy told me how great America was, I was packing and moving to Florida myself. I had no money at the time, and didn’t speak ANY English. However, I had a little car (my second car was a VW “Golf”) that I sold and used to get money to buy an airplane ticket to Florida. I was really moving!
This was a very big decision in my life. Quite frankly I didn’t know how it was going to turn out. I didn’t know if I’ll be able to survive in the States. And on top of that, all my friends where telling me to not go… they were saying “no way you can make it there”… I didn’t listen to them. I was determined to try!
My family was sad. They thought I’d never come back and that they would never see me again. I have to say, looking from the U.S., Europe is not that far away, and we are kind of used to traveling. But let me tell you, from Croatia where people don’t fly as often, the U.S. looks very far away… almost like another planet!
Here’s the photo of me leaving for the airport…
This was the day when I left. And this is the only photo I have since I didn’t want to take a lot of photos because “I was coming back” (despite their thinking). It’s funny; this photo was taken by my sister when I was not looking. My friend drove me to Vienna (in his Renault), and from there I flew to Orlando, Florida.
A Culture Shock!
When I landed… Do you think that was some kind of culture shock when you can’t even speak English? You bet!
Next few years were not easy! Actually, it was really HARD!
I was working all kind of jobs to make my ends meet, and at the same time I was learning English. I realized (at least what I thought at that time) that the only way to get a decent job was to go back to school.

I enrolled into a graduate program in the Engineering school at the University of Central Florida in Orlando.
At this time, Tammy became my girlfriend and 2 years later after I graduated, we both got a job in Quincy, IL. This was my first real job and I was so excited.
However, it didn’t last long! Only 7 mo. later we got downsized and I was without a job again. Stressed out.
I still remember that knot in my stomach, the feeling of desperation, loss, anxiety… It all looked so great, a great job, the income and now all of it was gone… Unbelievable!
After a few sleepless months of struggle, I found another job with Sony in San Diego. Fortunately or unfortunately, I was downsized 11 months later again!
I say “fortunately” because it put me into an “uncomfortable” position and made me want to be in control of my life even more. I realized that my dream of “the good life” would never be achieved in “corporate America”. At that time I had no clue how true that is.
Having no job, and worrying about bills I could not sleep! Late one night I saw a real estate Infomercial on TV advertising how to buy real estate with “No Money Down”. I had no money so that sounded like a perfect program for me, and without thinking I ordered the course.
“No Money Down” Real Estate System
I still recall the excitement that entered my life when I realized that there was a vehicle to create financial freedom and wealth!
It took me at least twice as long to learn the concepts than it would take any of you reading this page. Through numerous seminars, courses and different coaching programs I finally started doing deals. That was back in 1999 in San Diego.
I did find another job in meantime so I could fund my “Real Estate education”. My 3rd job was with Nokia in San Diego.
I have to admit, I liked working there. I liked what I was doing but I knew that having real freedom would not be possible unless I work for myself.
I remember back in 2000, there was a deal that took about 30 days from start to finish, buying to selling, and the net profit made me realize something. That night I put the check on the kitchen table and told my wife Tammy:
Honey, It Cost Us Money!
I told my wife that it costs us money for me to be at that job because I can’t fully focus on real estate. She agreed, it was time.
After doing tens of deals in the first 2 years as a part-time investor, I left my job in 2001. I remember like it was yesterday that feeling of excitement when I went and turned in my resignation! I was excited, and I have to say proud of myself. This is my last day at work at engineering lab, with two of my buddies Al and Mike…
Now remember, I didn’t hate my job, but I was so excited to finally have my own hours and spend my day any way I wanted.
I was so excited to finally have what I dreamed all my life of having, and that was…
My own business with massive potential.
Real Estate is certainly one of those businesses that have the potential to create rapid and massive wealth.
Now, for over 10 years, Real Estate has been my business, my passion and I have to say ‘my life’!
I think about Real Estate all the time and I believe that the success truly comes once you find something you like and you’re passionate about. I am passionate about Real Estate.
Let me say something… even though I don’t know you personally yet, I know that YOU TOO will be passionate about Real Estate.
Since 1999 I’ve bought hundreds of houses. My life has completely changed. I said earlier that money may not be the most important thing in life, but certainly I believe that having financial freedom is the most important!
The freedom to enjoy your life anyway you want, and to not worry about bills is amazing.
The freedom to travel whenever you want, go wherever you want and stay as long as you want is what all of you should have.
The freedom to have the free time to be with your family, friends and to pursue your other interests is the key to a happy life.
I know that all of you have unfulfilled dreams and aspirations, and now it is the time to take the control of your future and finally start living your dream!
I Could Say That I Have Achieved My Dreams!
Yes, I still have more dreams and it’s human to always want to go higher but I have to say, that the ‘boy’ from Croatia never dreamed he would have what he has now.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think or dream that life will be that good!
Never did I dream that I’ll be living in a fancy house like I do now, or drive the car I have now… or fly around in private jets. And the most precious of all… I have the freedom to spend a lot of time with the people I love, my family:
As I said, I have it better than I have ever dreamed I would. And…
Now It Is Your Turn.
I could go more into my story, but I don’t want to make it too long. I want to convey to you the 2 most important points:
You need to stop being stressed about money or worrying about your job or that business that is not helping. Get the control of your life, and live worry free. On top of that basic need..
You CAN do it and you can have it all!
I have no doubt you can do it. All you need is the decision to move forward and make it happen. (Some of you need to stop making excuses!)
Just remember that I could not even speak English, and truthfully my accent is still pretty ‘bad’. I’ve lost numerous opportunities because the potential sellers couldn’t understand me over the phone, but that didn’t stop me. So, don’t let anything stop you!
Go After Your Dreams!
It may not be easy, but it is well worth the effort!
Don’t let anyone or anything get you off track and keep you from getting on your way!
Yes, you will have people around you tell you that you will not make it, etc. Ignore anyone like that or who speaks that way; ignore the ‘naysayers’ of life! Listen to what George Foreman said:
I was inspired by George. George found himself broke at the age of 40. Then he decided to go back to boxing to try to become a world champion since that was the only thing he knew how to do. What do you think people around him told him? They said ‘no way, you’re too old.” George didn’t listen to them and he became the oldest heavyweight champion of the world at the age of 44. He didn’t listen to the ‘naysayers’!
You shouldn’t either!! Don’t listen to the ‘naysayers’, listen to your coach, listen to me!
Many of you have unfulfilled dreams and aspirations and I know I can help you achieve your dreams. If you give me the opportunity I will assist you in achieving your goals.
I had many coaches and mentors in my life and I certainly understand that having a mentor is having everything.
If You Select Me, I Will Be Your Coach & Mentor.
After achieving my dreams and financial security, I am on a mission to give back and help others achieve the same. So far I helped numerous people get started with Real Estate investing.
When I look back to my real estate beginnings, I can honestly say that one of the biggest obstacles and delays on my path to success were the courses and seminars I took that sounded good and real, but were in fact worthless.
The problem is… it is hard, or almost impossible to detect which course or seminar is bad and useless. You can only do it when you are really experienced in real estate, but then you don’t need the seminars any more.
If you have the burning desire, finding the right information is your biggest challenge.
However, if you trust me, and if you’re reading so far I believe you do, I’ll be bold and tell you to stick around this website and my organization.
On this website you will find links to different resources and tools to help you grow your real estate investing knowledge. Take some time and get yourself familiar with these resources that I have personally spent thousands of hours to create.
If you have the “burning desire,” we have the tools and the systems to get you started in the right direction.
And remember, you live in the BEST country in the world, so don’t delay!
To your success and God bless America!